Thursday 14 October 2010

My solution for Option 2

In the novel 'Jacob who I Loved' Louise, Call, and the captain has problems with the cats that they can't handle. The cats are too expesive to keep and people wouldn't like the cats because they are too noisy and annoying. This makes them to come to a conclusion that they have to get rid of the cats some way. Usually, normal people have enough of buisness that they don't need any more partners. However, that isn't always applied to all people. Some people in the world are lonely and they want some company to have fun with. To be specific old people without any kids are those people and in some cases poeple that are depressed need that kind of company also. In these cases, animals could be a good solution to give those poeple company and make them happy and pleased. Cats could be good animals for them because they are lovely and aren't that active like dogs and they wouldn't bark like dogs. Cats also doesn't need walks differently with dogs so people could easily afford cats. Old people would prefer cats more than other animals so they would easily accpet those cats if I would sell the cats to the old people. It would be good for me because I could earn both money and could get rid of a money eating monster.

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